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What We Do

We are working on the inclusion of people with disabilities through inclusive computing, mental health services, adolescent reproductive health, and arts education.

Funded by OpenAI, Stanford, and the US Department of State

Mental Health

Supported by US Dept of State

Joy Of Computing

Supported by OpenAI

Menstrual Health

Funded by Stanford


Serving people
struggling with
their mental health.

Children For A Bright Future


Creating an inclusive society

We dedicate our resources to create a society that embraces differences and acknowledges every unique individual. In that vein, we provide affordable mental health services, special needs education, puberty health, and inclusive computer and art education programs.

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Latest Blogs

If someone asked you to describe Autism or autistic children, what is the first image that comes to your mind?…

A horse and a rabbit walked into a bar. The bartender, a goose, asked how they were doing. The horse said she was depressed….

“Oh no! Why did you visit the mother with her newborn child in your impure state! Now they will surely become ill. Shame…

Let's fight against COVID-19

InclusionX has fundraised and distributed emergency supplies like food, blankets, and hygiene products to 1500 women with disabilities across four divisions of Bangladesh. We have also been offering affordable and virtual psychological support to people all over Bangladesh.


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