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Mental Health Awareness Week: You’re not selfish when you put yourself first

Tawshipa Jarin

We have unknowingly created a web of lies where caring for oneself is either deemed as being selfish or narcissistic. And in order to escape this social web, we intend to give up caring for ourselves wholly. That’s where the problem begins.
Self-care is not being narcissistic at all. On the contrary, it teaches us to be more loving and caring. Putting yourself first means being as kind to yourself as you are to others. When all you do is cater to others but not yourself, you’re eventually drained out of energy, both physically and mentally. And that’s very harmful to any and every individual.
Self care includes every little activity that you do, solely for yourself, which gives you happiness or satisfaction. It means taking care of yourself so you can be more productive and a better person. It never means that you’re disregarding someone else, rather it makes you more prepared to tackle situations.
At the end of the day, self-care means prioritizing yourself just a little bit more than you love others. And that is not selfish or narcissistic at all, that’s necessary.

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